Cultivation - Make the cultivation more effective and increase your energy
2017-08-21 13-23-13 来源: 作者:Ven. Master Renda 点击:次
修行得“力” 提升能级
Make the cultivation more effective and increase your energy
by Ven. Master Renda
The ten dharma realms are differentiated by their energy levels. While the term “energy” is not mentioned in Buddhist Sutra, the concept of “power” exists in Buddhism. For instance: the Five Spiritual Faculties and the Five Strengths, Seven Factors of Enlightenment, and Noble Eightfold Path.
《华严经》《楞严经》里面都提到佛的“十力”,力就是能量,不过是名词不同而已。现在的物理学也有作用力、反作用力、吸引力,这都是力。力和能量是互相转化的,包括热能、电能、场能、磁场、引力场,都是能量。 Both Avatamsaka Sutra and Shurangama Sutra mention the “Ten Powers” of Buddha. Although the terminology is different, the term “power” here refers to energy. In current physics, there are action force, reaction force, force of attraction, etc. They all belong to power. The power could be converted to energy, and vice versa. Thermal energy, electrical energy, potential energy, magnetic energy, and gravitational energy are different forms of energy.
To my knowledge, cultivation is a way to raise the energy level. Buddhas have the highest energy level and Bodhisattvas’ energy level comes second, followed by Sravakas’ and Pratyekabuddhayanas’, respectively. How about human? If energy level scales between 0 to 12, with 12 is the highest, then human’s energy level is above 1. Bodhisattva’s energy level is above 7, and Buddha’s energy level is above 9. Many Bodhisattva-Mahasattvas, such as Bodhisattva of ‘equal enlightenment’ and Bodhisattva of ‘wonderful enlightenment’, possess energy levels of 12. Sakyamuni Buddha, Manjusri Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva have highest energy level. In fact, the Bodhisattva of ‘equal enlightenment’ and Bodhisattva of ‘wonderful enlightenment’ attained buddhahood already. In order to help Sakyamuni Buddha liberating all sentient beings, they returned to the countless world. They appear as bodhisattvas and as Buddha’s disciples. Therefore, they have highest energy level. The sentient beings in the realms of animal, hungry ghost, and hell have very low energy level (less than 1). In general, the energy level of the sentient beings in the realms of hungry ghost and hell are less than 0.5, and the sentient beings in hell realm have far less energy than others.
The process of cultivation is the process of increasing energy. Using this concept, we could explain cultivation from a scientific point of view. In this way, it might be easier for one to understand Buddhism and Buddhist Mantras. To eject satellite into space, first, second and third cosmic velocity are needed. Where do they come from? They are transformed from energy. To escape from Earth’s gravity, certain among of energy is required. Similarly, no matter you want to go to the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, the Inner Court of Tushita or Medicine Buddha Pureland (Vaiduryanirbhasa), you need to gain tremendous energy first. Otherwise, you could not make it. The Earth gravity, the karmic creditors and the sentient beings in hungry ghost and hell realms will drag you down. Therefore, we need to boost our energy, make sincere repentance, liberate our karmic creditors, and turn them into our friends. Then our cultivation will be more effective.
There are good and bad people. However, the good people might not always be good, and the bad ones might not always be bad. Even murderers might be compassionate under certain circumstances. All their crimes might begin with only one wrong thought. To cultivate, is to purify our mind. Abandon all bad thoughts and be kind. The bad and good is not generated by our self-nature. Although some of them come from our habits accumulated in countless kalpas, majority of them are formed after birth. Three-Character Canon states: “Men at their birth, are naturally good”, while Xunzi proposed “evil human nature”. Those are philosophy questions and beyond the scope of our discussion here.
Once we realized our bad habits and thoughts, we need to repent sincerely. Thus, we could perfect our personality and increase our energy.